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Good to see you here! This is the web gallery of Anya Sherriuble, a contemporary artist.

Currently there are 2 exhibitions: Creatures and Mindflow. Scroll down to enjoy the immersive experience.

For commission work, organizing exhibitions, purchasing artwork, or collab, please email here.


Just keep
scrolling down :)

Exhibition 1


Anya's art is often characterized by her depictions of animals and mythical creatures. In some pieces, these creatures take center stage and become the focal point of the composition, while in others they provide intriguing details that enhance the overall artwork.


Felt Like My Soul Left

36″ x 24″
Acrylic on canvas, paper stickers

This painting features intricate details that required many layers of black and white paint, as well as numerous iterations of adding, removing, and repositioning elements. The artwork incorporates paper stickers from the Chicago Tribune, which Anya collected during a challenging time in her life. The frowny tiger is a representation of the artist's mood during that period.

02Night Out With Friends

Night Out With Friends

14″ x 11″
Acrylic on canvas

This painting represents an abstract interpretation of a late-night house party.

03Tiger On The Swamp

Tiger On The Swamp

14″ x 11″
Acrylic on canvas, paper stickers

Captivating background, reminiscent of a swamp. The composition includes a black and white paper tiger, which lurks in the shadows.

The Festive Gray

The Festive Gray

20″ x 16″
Acrylic on canvas, string lights

Anya's upbringing in Chelyabinsk, Russia, inspired this painting. The city's industrial landscape and poor ecological conditions are reflected in her portrayal of a grey and gritty environment. Lights represent the hope for a brighter future.

Drama We Deserved
Drama We DeservedDrama We Deserved

Drama We Deserved

16″ x 12″
Acrylic on canvas panel, plastic toys, fabric patch

Anya enjoys experimenting with different materials in her artwork, and this piece stands out as one of her most dynamic. The artwork features dollar store toys that are intricately incorporated into a suburban drama scene, offering a unique perspective on everyday life.

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Artworks Are Available For purchase

06Easy Tiger

Easy Tiger

16″ x 12″
Acrylic on canvas,
paper stickers

This painting playfully references the phrase 'Easy, Tiger' and includes a step-by-step guide on how to create it. Anya's signature style, a colorful abstract background, is a prominent feature of the artwork and can be seen in a few of her other pieces.


Difficult Tiger

7″ x 5″
Acrylic on canvas

Just as there are Easy Tigers, there must also be Difficult Tigers hiding somewhere.



20″ x 16″
Acrylic on canvas

Mysz means 'mouse' in Polish, and this painting was not originally intended to be a depiction of one. Anya had been experimenting with color and tape, but was unhappy with the result. After covering the painting with black, she added the mouse. This choice was inspired by her cat, Kiwi, who had been interfering with the artwork a lot.

Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process
Mysz painting process

Sad Man On Tinder

9″ x 12″
Acrylic on canvas

This artwork portrays a demon that symbolizes a middle-aged man who is tired and feeling defeated. Perhaps he's faced with constant rejection due to his disrespectful and inappropriate behavior. Despite this, he may believe that the fault lies with others rather than looking inward. Through this piece, the artist offers a thought-provoking commentary on the complexities of human behavior and the internal struggles we all face.

Words Of Wisdom

Words Of Wisdom

20″ x 16″
Acrylic on canvas

This artwork features a mix of English and Russian language, combined with a set of seemingly random objects that come together to form a unique and compelling composition.


Spirit Animals

9″ x 12″
Oil on canvas panel

While most of Anya's artwork is created using acrylic paint, this particular set of three paintings is done in oil. Each painting features a spirit animal, with each one holding a special meaning in the artist's life.

Spirit AnimalsSpirit AnimalsSpirit Animals
Respectful Household Sign

Respectful Household Sign

36″ x 12″
Acrylic on canvas

This artwork is a satirical take on the common household signs found in many American homes. The piece is quite large and boasts intricate details, including Russian meme punchlines and a bunch of random content.

Exhibition 2


Anya's art is all about experimentation with various shapes and colors. She often begins a new piece without a clear vision of its final form, embracing the beauty of the creative process and letting her artistic intuition guide her. This approach allows her to tap into a state of "mindflow", where ideas flow freely and lead to unexpected, yet beautiful results. All paintings in this exhibition are acrylic on canvas.

There's a pretty cool 3D experience here, but phone screen is too tiny to display it. So if you have a chance - go check it out on desktop or tablet :)
Seeing Things
Seeing Things

This painting is visually captivating, with a mix of colors and shapes that reveal new details with each glance. It invites viewers to use their imagination and discover hidden objects and interpretations.

Little Ones
Little Ones

This small abstract painting captures the essence of a forest or swampy area in the Midwest, with its rich mix of earthy colors and flowing shapes.

Village Window
Village Window

This painting features a striking contrast between a black window and a field of green flowers.

Dice Game
Dice Game

This artwork features foam cubes carefully affixed to the canvas to create a 3D effect.


An abstract representation of one of the downtown buildings in Chicago.

Garden Unit
Garden Unit

A large painting that includes a lot of small details. Acrylic marker linework with colorful cover as the final detail.

Night City
Night City

A night-time scene capturing the essence of Chicago's downtown.


Abstract painting with glowing background and bright red dots for contrast.


Anya was born in Chelyabinsk, Russia and now lives in Chicago. She works as a Lead Designer at Graveflex, a design and development agency. In her free time, she works on her art, including painting, 3D modeling, and writing. Anya has been into art all her life and is continually expanding her skillset and learning new mediums.

Anya is available for exhibitions, commissions, and collaborations.

Check Anya’s design portfolio, and contact her for your design & dev needs.

You can reach out to Anya directly, using one of methods listed below.

Picture of Anya SherriublePicture of Anya Sherriuble with a dog on her shoulders